All past employees of BMC-Leyland Australia and associated companies are eligible to join the Heritage Group. Membership of the Group is also available to persons or organisations interested in preserving the heritage of BMC-Leyland Australia and its associated companies as a significant part of Australia's automotive manufacturing history.MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORMIf you are a past employee or an Interested Person, you are invited to join the Heritage Group and participate in our many interesting activities. As a Member, you will receive our regular Newsletter and invitations to our regular events, plus discounts on most of our memorabilia and books. POST OR EMAIL YOUR APPLICATION FORM TO THE SECRETARY. Applicants unknown to the Committee will be contacted by a Committee Member (leave proposer and seconder blank).
The Group is administered by a Committee comprising Office Bearers and ordinary members. The current Office Bearers and Committee Members are:
All past employees of BMC-Leyland Australia and associated companies are eligible to join the Heritage Group. Membership of the Group is also available to persons or organisations interested in preserving the heritage of BMC-Leyland Australia and its associated companies as a significant part of Australia's automotive manufacturing history.MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORMIf you are a past employee or an Interested Person, you are invited to join the Heritage Group and participate in our many interesting activities. As a Member, you will receive our regular Newsletter and invitations to our regular events, plus discounts on most of our memorabilia and books. POST OR EMAIL YOUR APPLICATION FORM TO THE SECRETARY. Applicants unknown to the Committee will be contacted by a Committee Member (leave proposer and seconder blank).
The Group is administered by a Committee comprising Office Bearers and ordinary members. The current Office Bearers and Committee Members are: